CBD has been causing a stir around the world lately. In many countries, the CBD industry is growing steadily. Its fame is due to the health benefits it can bring if taken as a supplement, and many parents wonder if consuming CBD is safe for children.
Another reason CBD has grown in popularity is due to its appearance in the media. Two children, Alfie Dingley and Billy Caldwell, have made many headlines, especially in the UK, criticizing UK authorities for their response to the children’s parents being treated with hemp-derived drugs.
Six-year-old Alfie had suffered epileptic seizures more than 3,000 times and made 48 visits to the hospital each year. Upon discovering that CBD medication helped Alfie improve his quality of life, his family moved to the Netherlands to continue treatment.
Billy Caldwell’s experience made a big impact because his mother, Charlotte Caldwell, had traveled to Canada to buy the hemp-derived drug she needed to treat Billy’s seizures. Upon her return, the mother’s six months’ worth of treatment was confiscated at customs, leaving Billy exposed to enormous suffering from the symptoms of his epilepsy. After some time, the authorities agreed to return Billy’s medication under special circumstances.
As many such cases have come into the public debate, many people have come to realize that hemp-derived treatments may be a valid avenue to explore. Although the CBD oil sold in pharmacies is a far cry from the medication used by these two boys, it has been shown that substances such as CBD can be beneficial to health. As a result, some parents are considering giving CBD to their children to help them live a healthy lifestyle.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, abbreviated as CBD, is one of the active substances (cannabinoids) present in the hemp plant. It is one of the best known cannabinoids and studies on its possible uses have revealed that it could be beneficial to health.

When CBD is consumed, it interacts with a biological system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system contains cannabinoid receptors that are scattered throughout the body and “listen” to body conditions as they change. By utilizing our own endocannabinoids, we can send messages throughout the body via the cannabinoid receptors and our body will adjust appropriately to ensure our survival. Sound complicated? The most important thing about the SEC is that it keeps the body in balance and ensures survival even if conditions change.
The SEC regulates functions such as mood, sleep, appetite, temperature, pain, etc. Keeping this system in good condition is essential.
CBD stimulates the creation of endocannabinoids so that the SEC can function at its best. This is why many people have started taking it as a supplement, because CBD can improve overall wellness and help you feel good.
Many people think about including CBD in their family’s routine, including their children’s, to make sure everyone is healthy. But just because it’s a safe item for adults doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for children to consume. Let’s explain its effects.
Effects and side effects
According to the World Health Organization, CBD is safe and generally well tolerated in humans. It is non-toxic and non-addictive and its intake is safe for most of the population.
But just because it is not an addictive substance does not mean it should be taken in excess. People who take CBD too often may experience withdrawal if they suddenly stop. This happens because the body begins to rely on a dose of CBD to create endocannabinoids, and it can take a while to get used to functioning on its own again when you stop taking CBD.
This factor is especially important when we are talking about children because their bodies are still developing. The body must learn to function without supplements to reduce the risk of disease. CBD is not a substitute for leading a healthy lifestyle in other areas. Children should eat healthy, stay active and follow good hygiene standards to help them build a healthy immune system on their own.
In addition, potential adverse effects should be taken into account. Although, as mentioned above, CBD is generally safe, it can cause side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea and diarrhea, so you could be creating a problem if you give a child CBD oil. Drowsiness is the least serious, but the others, and especially diarrhea, can pose a risk that you don’t need to take. Diarrhea in children can be dangerous, because when they get diarrhea they must drink large amounts of liquid to avoid more serious consequences.
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