How do you get a nice face? The right care and charisma are characteristics of a pretty face, as they form the basis for an attractive appearance. Important are: flawless skin, good proportions, symmetry, the right shape of the face. A pretty face is characterized by bright eyes, white teeth, a straight, not too small and not too big nose, a beautifully curved forehead, soft, full lips, a not too narrow and not too wide chin, and the cheek proportions must be right, whereby high cheek bones are preferred.
In Asia, the triangular face form with light, almost white skin is preferred. We prefer narrow faces with tanned skin, and African women do everything they can to make their dark skin lighter, even using facial skin brighteners such as Melatonan products, since in Africa the female face must be light to be considered beautiful.
The right care for the face
How do you take good care of your face? We need the right care for our facial skin. Oily skin does not need any additional oil, dry skin needs moisture, combination skin needs both, and so you should always use care products that are adapted to the respective skin type. The skin type is best determined by the cosmetician. In addition to care, facial gymnastics and relaxation are important for the face so that we look fresh. Faces are like business cards from which we can read. And so the shining eyes are most important, because they are the door to the inner world, the mirror of the soul.

A beautiful face needs care
Our face needs a lot of moisture, a little fat, vitamin E, and an anti-aging complex to keep the skin firm and wrinkle-free. Dry lips and a dry eye area, as well as dry cheeks and nostrils need extra moisture. We should therefore care for our face from the inside by drinking plenty of fresh water instead of always using lip balm and eye cream. Water is the most intensive facial care you can do.
Optimal facial care is done in three steps. First the face has to be washed, cleaned as well as possible, especially when using make-up. Then it must be well dried, so that the skin is soft and receptive. Finally, the facial skin must be creamed with lotion, facial butter or moisturizer, depending on the skin type, so that the nutrients and moisture can penetrate well into the skin and supply it from the outside. If you neglect your face care regularly, you will increasingly suffer from skin blemishes and wrinkles, or at least your skin may deteriorate.
Determine the face type
One should have the skin type determined before indiscriminately using care products. Even older people suffer from skin blemishes if they use the wrong products, even when puberty is long gone. Here you have to do a skin check before you decide on the right care. Put a handkerchief on your face and press it lightly and briefly on your skin.
You will see that some areas will leave marks and others will stay dry. Combination skin is the skin on which the handkerchief leaves marks on the chin and forehead. You will have dry skin if the handkerchief remains predominantly dry. And there are many people with oily skin, which can be seen on many fat spots on the handkerchief. Perhaps you can do the skin check in the beauty salon, because this is where it is most accurate.
Dry facial skin
Dry skin is best cared for with a rich oil, such as olive oil. Some people even smear pure olive oil on their face and bake a cake with the same oil. The oil from fresh olives has a soothing and moisturising effect on the skin. You can also treat your dry skin with sea salt or mineral salt. To do this, put the salt in a pot of hot water and let the vapours rise to the face. With a towel on the head, inclined over the pot, the water vapours rise particularly intensively into the skin and act like a sauna bath.
In winter our facial skin suffers twice. Outside, it dries out because of the cold temperatures and the wind, and inside, the warm, dry air from the heating system gets into it. Our fat layer disappears, the skin becomes cracked and rough. You can help with a moisturizer. It should be attached to the heaters in all living rooms and offices and filled daily with fresh water so that the hot steam can rise and moisturise the skin.
At low or medium heating temperatures, however, the water vapours do not rise into the air but develop into pure bacterial flings, which is why you have to make sure that the heating is extremely hot. Alternatively, an indoor fountain can also provide sufficient humidity in the air.